Master-Slave Node Setup Explained
Jenkins is based on Master-Slave Architecture
Jenkins_Master Node(VM)
Install jdk,jenkins,git.
Used to Create the CI/CD Pipeline Projects and schedule to run in slave nodes.
Jenkins_Slave Node(VM)
To Execute the Application Build.
Perform Application Build - Compile, Unit Test, Create Artifacts
Creation of Master-Slave Architecture
In Master Node - install git, jdk and jenkins
In slave node - Install jdk,maven and git
Configure Slave Node1 for Java Maven App. :
Launch an Ubuntu Machine : v22.04
sudo -i
apt update -y
Install Java :
sudo apt install openjdk-17-jre -y
java -version
Install GIT :
sudo apt install git -y
git --version
Install Maven - Build Tool :
sudo apt install maven -y
mvn --version
Create User in Jenkins Slave Machine & Create SSH Keys
sudo apt install -y
Add User :
useradd devopsadmin -s /bin/bash -m -d /home/devopsadmin
su - devopsadmin
for Ubuntu :
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -m PEM #ubuntu 20.04
ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 521 #ubuntu 22.04 or higher version of ubuntu
ls ~/.ssh
You should see following two files:
id_ecdsa - private keyi - public
cat > authorized_keys
chmod 600 /home/devopsadmin/.ssh/*
Add devopsadmin user to docker group. Run this command as a root user
- usermod -aG docker devopsadmin
Login to Jenkins
Goto to Manage Jenkins
Select Nodes
On Nodes Dashboard, Click on New Node
Give Node Name, and choose permanent agent.
Provide a description, the number of executors, the remote root directory, labels, usage, and the launch method.
In the Launch method, select "Launch agents via SSH" and enter the private IP address as the host. Then, add a new credential in the credentials section.
provide slave node username and copy paste private key content
Select “Manually trusted Key Verification Strategy” in Host key verification strategy
Click on Save and slave node is created.
Let’s update pipeline
- SCM_Checkout stage
pipeline {
agent { label 'slave1' }
stages {
stage('SCM_Checkout') {
steps {
echo "Perform SCM Checkout"
git ''
we can use snippet generator to create scripts
Click on "Build Now" and wait for the status to show success, then view the output console.
Application Build stage
pipeline { agent { label 'slave1' } stages { stage('SCM_Checkout') { steps { echo "Perform SCM Checkout" git '' } } stage('Application Build') { steps { echo "Perform Application Build" sh 'mvn clean package' } } } }
Execute the build and view the output console